
My name is Megan Bowers and I’m the face behind Three Melons Bake Shop!!
I began my baking hobby as a child making Christmas cookies every year with my family. I also grew up loving art, always taking art classes throughout school and was a member of the National Art Honor Society.
Fast forward to the beginning of 2017 when I was able to become a stay at home mama to our second daughter. My creative juices are always flowing and I wanted a way to express my creativity and still provide a bit for my family, so I started making cupcakes for family and friends. Cupcakes then turned into cakes and then suddenly came my love of custom-decorated sugar cookies. One single order for pig cookies for my former employer's Children Literature Conference turned into a sudden new career and Three Melons Bake Shop was born.
I’m incredibly lucky to be able to create mini works of art in so many different ways using such simple ingredients, all of which are edible. My love of art and baking has made an incredible opportunity to spread happiness in the form of edible art, while working from home and enjoying my family. It brings me so much joy to think of how many wonderful celebrations my work has been a part of.
Three Melons has been published in The Northern Virginia Daily, Winchester, Star, Washington Post, Sweet & Saucy Living Magazine, and Canvas Rebel. I have been a Cookie Con electives instructor (May ‘23) and an instructor with both the Cookie-A-Thon and the Cookie Better Workshop (2023). In 2022, I won third place in Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition in the 2D category competing against sugar artists from around the world. In 2023, I was one of the artists chosen to have their artwork featured on one of the banners created by the Town of Woodstock for the public parking area, which included an installation of artwork at VECCA. On Jan. 18, 2024, Three Melons was awarded by the Shenandoah County Chamber of Commerce as the Best Home-Based Business of the Year award for 2023. In the spring of 2024, I was one of the artists chosen to have their artwork featured on one of the VDOT light signal boxes, which is located at the corner of Main Street and Spring Street.
I enjoy collaborations with numerous local businesses, schools, community organizations, and realtors. Three Melons Bake Shop continue to support many local organizations, including: Icing Smiles, Operation Cookie Takeover, SPCA/animal rescue groups, both the Shenandoah County & Top of Virginia Chambers, Shenandoah County Public Schools, Shenandoah County Fair & Pageant, local fire and rescue, local police departments, and the local dispatchers.
I'm the proud wife of a Battalion Chief/firefighter/paramedic (Adam) and mama to two beautiful girls (Abby and Leah), a dog named Ollie, and a small flock of chickens who supply fresh eggs for my baking. While I'm not elbow-deep in icing, I enjoy traveling, painting (acrylic and watercolor), cheering for the Washington Nationals, and enjoying time with my family.
I follow Virginia’s Cottage Food Laws and my shop is not inspected by the State Health Services or local health department.
Three Melons was established on March 27, 2017.
Three Melons Bake Shop, LLC was named for myself and our two daughters because we all have what our family calls, “melon heads” (my husband is an honorary melon head).