
Woodstock Enhancement Signal Light Box Artist

Woodstock Enhancement Signal Light Box Artist

Artwork chosen and featured on the VDOT signal light box by the Woodstock Enhancement Committee.

Woodstock Enhancement Signal Light Box Artist

Artwork chosen and featured on the VDOT signal light box by the Woodstock Enhancement Committee.

VECCA Artist of the Month & Town of Woodstock Banner Artist

VECCA Artist of the Month & Town of Woodstock B...

In June of 2023, I had the opportunity to have my cookie art featured at VECCA for the Light Post Banner Project by Woodstock Enhancement. 

VECCA Artist of the Month & Town of Woodstock B...

In June of 2023, I had the opportunity to have my cookie art featured at VECCA for the Light Post Banner Project by Woodstock Enhancement. 

Best Home-Based Business in Shenandoah County Award

Best Home-Based Business in Shenandoah County A...

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, Three Melons Bake Shop was award the Best Home-Based Business in Shenandoah County Award by the Shenandoah Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Awards Banquet.  After...

Best Home-Based Business in Shenandoah County A...

On Thursday, January 18, 2024, Three Melons Bake Shop was award the Best Home-Based Business in Shenandoah County Award by the Shenandoah Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Awards Banquet.  After...